Dr. Silvestre Alavez Espidio

Director de la División de Ciencias Bilógicas y de la Salud

Dr. Silvestre Alavez is Professor, director of the research area Integrative Physiology of Biological Systems, member of the National System of Researchers and former Head of the Health Sciences Department at the Metropolitan Autonomous University. Using the roundworm C. elegans his goals are (i) to understand the role of protein homeostasis in aging, and (ii) to identify compounds with the potential to become life- and healthspan-extending pharmacological interventions in humans. Additionally, he is developing a new line of research directed to explore the epidemiological factors of aging and age-related disease in mexican population. Silvestre obtained a B.S. in Chemistry and a PhD in Biochemistry from the National Autonomous University of Mexico and gained extensive expertise in aging research at the Buck Institute for Research on Aging in Novato, California.